Home Decoration Ideas to Check Out This Navaratri

What is the occasion of Navaratri all about?

Navaratri ranks among the most important of Indian festivals, celebrated with a great degree of enthusiasm all over the country. Navaratri translates to the celebration of nine nights. The festival is celebrated auspiciously for the different Goddesses in their different forms that worship the feminine “Shakti” or power.

How is Navaratri celebrated across the country?

The north-eastern and eastern states of India consider Navaratri to be synonymous with “Durga Puja” wherein Goddess Durga is deemed to do battle and emerge victorious against the buffalo demon (Mahishasura) thus helping to restore dharma in the world. Durga Puja happens to be one of the most famous festivals of West Bengal, especially in Kolkata where Goddess Durga is honored during the Navaratri period. The celebrations run for ten days with the sixth to the ninth days being when the beautifully decorated pandals with grand idols of Goddess Durga are thrown open to the visitors. The idols are subsequently decorated with various forms of sweets, jewelry, clothes, and flowers placed in front of them.

The states of Maharashtra and Gujarat have more extravagant garbacelebrations for each of the nine nights constituting Navaratri. Garbais a done form done in a circle which represents the cyclical belief of the time within Hinduism. In the traditional form, the dance takes place with a clay lantern placed at the center as a representation of the Goddess. The dance around the lantern symbolizes the presence of the energy inside each individual.

Home decoration ideas

The inner look of the house plays a very important role in showcasing the amount of maintenance that goes into it. If you are keen on doing something big for this Navaratri season, a flat booking on Navaratri would not make for such a bad idea. In fact, it ranks as one of the safest investments. You could also consider opening a new business or expanding an existing one with a new establishment and showroomdecoration on Navaratri to go with the occasion.
If you wish to keep things simple and limit your celebrations mostly to your own home, there are some amazing Navaratri decoration ideas for you to check out.

Start by clearing out the clutter: The first thing that you need to take care of is the festive cleaning. Once a desired backdrop has been achieved in every room, ensure that the space is kept clutter-free with the puja room being given special emphasis. Keep things natural and simple for the best results!

Give in to some decorations for your home: Flower decoration on Navaratri is one of the best ways to usher in the festivities. Marigold flower wreaths are the most popular choice while other autumn flowers can also be hung up around the windows and doors. This is done to mark the beginning of sharadnavaratra. The home is left encapsulated in a feeling of fascination by the fragrance of these flowers.

Alpana or rangolis: A good idea of mandir decoration on Navaratri is to make rangolis. These are an integral part of every Hindu festival. Elaborate but intricate, rangolis can be found painted inside the house as well as on the portico outside. You can also check out some of the ready-to-stick Rangoli designs available in the market. However, they lack the soothing colors and earthy fragrance that mark the start of every pooja day.

Lighting: No festival is complete without a good show of decorative lighting, especially at night when the overall look turns stunning. For Navaratri, decorative lighting has become something of a must-have, adding a fine spark of warmth to the home, both inside and outside. Not only are there different colors to choose from but also a range of patterns that will let you create unique lighting designs at home.

Celebrate Dussehra: The tenth day of Navaratri marks the celebration of the festival of Dussehra, a day on which you can hang mango tree leaves and marigold garlands at the entrance to your home, temple, and even your vehicles. Dussehra marks the end of Navaratri and is celebrated with a great deal of energy and grandeur all over the country. People make it a point to enjoy this festival to the fullest.

Sometimes taking care of the flower decoration in Delhi on a large scale at office or business can prove a difficult job. In such cases, it is a good idea to engage a professional service into the job. Hire Arun flowers and balloon decorators on Navaratri and make it a hassle-free experience of enjoyment and excitement.


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